
title: European Art Science and Technology Network, Cardiff Festival
type: art - science - technology festival
year: 2015
author/composer: Alexandros Kontogeorgakopoulos (project and festival coordinator), Olivia Kotsifa (production management, curation and exhibition design), volunteers from Cardiff School of Art and Design

The European project [EASTN] aiming at making creativity and digital artworks more accessible to the society, by promoting the development, at the European scale, of a deep and collective awareness of the current artistic trends and technologies.

It's central focus will be on Tangibility, which is at the core of a current major evolution in artistic creation. Indeed, new ways to interact with information and digital media are proposed today, which rely more on the role of senses and gesture to establish links between real and virtual worlds.

The festival program can be downloaded here

The video below is a small documetary produced for the festival by the Cardiff School of Art and Design student Tobiasz Wasyliszyn.

The following footage is from the CF24 Project gallery space.