dj++ / boundary conditions

title: dj++ / boundary conditions
type: art installation - DJ set
year: 2021
author/composer: (oneContinuousLab) Alexandros Kontogeorgakopoulos, Odysseas Klissouras
funded: EMST National Museum of Contemporary Art Athens
first exhibition: EMST National Museum of Contemporary Art Athens, Athens, Greece, December 2021

dj++ / boundary conditions is a site specific audiovisual performance - installation for the National Museum of Contemporary Art Athens. It consist of an experimental but at the same time uplifting Dj set interacting with an art installation conceived and developed for the specific space at the museum foyer. The minimalist interactive installation processes and projects in realtime captured images from the visitors inside the exhibition space and from the traffic and public outside the museum. It aims to unify the spaces inside and outside the museum. The images where projected on a semi-transparent film placed on the windows surface in order to be visible from both sides. Photo by creadits Olympianna Miliaki unless otherwise stated.

Inside the museum

Outside the museum.

Inside the museum

Outside the museum

Photo creadits: oneContinuousLab

Footage from reheasals - Photo creadits: oneContinuousLab