title: haptic digital audio effects
type: algorithms based on musical haptics research programmed in Max
year: 2008 -
author/composer: Alexandros Kontogeorgakopoulos
A series for haptic digital audio effect algorithms based on my PhD research. Most of the algorithms are unpublished for the moment since a patent application is considered. They consist a novel category of digital audio effects based on multisensory simulation (haptics, visuals, sound) of physical models.
An example of haptic digital audio effect is the haptic distortion. In this case a physical model is employed which compresses the motion of a virtual mass carrying the input audio signal between two other masses. The user interacts with the model with a haptic device, the FireFader in this case which has two faders. The masses of the knobs compresses the signal and thefore the user feels the interaction haptically and accordingly interacts with the model.
More info about the research of the work can be found in the book chapter Low Cost Force-Feedback Interaction with Haptic Digital Audio Effects in E. Efthimiou, G. Kouroupetroglou and S. Fotinea (Eds) "Gesture and Sign Language in Human-Computer Interaction and Embodied Communication".